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Google Ads vs Facebook Ads: Where Should B2Bs Invest?

Written by Inbox | Oct 2, 2024

When it comes to digital advertising for B2B companies, two of the biggest players in the game are Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Both platforms offer vast reach, sophisticated targeting, and powerful analytics to help businesses drive leads and sales. However, when deciding where to allocate your budget, it’s crucial to understand how these two platforms differ and which one is best suited to meet your specific marketing objectives.

In this blog post, we’ll break down the differences between Google Ads and Facebook Ads, their strengths, weaknesses, and ultimately, which platform is better for B2B companies looking to generate quality leads.

Understanding the Basics: Google Ads vs Facebook Ads

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is the world’s largest search engine advertising platform. It operates primarily on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where advertisers bid on keywords to have their ads displayed when users search for related terms. Google Ads include Search Ads, Display Ads, and YouTube Ads, allowing businesses to reach people actively searching for products or services.

Facebook Ads, on the other hand, is a social media advertising platform that leverages the vast audience and data collected by Facebook (and its associated apps like Instagram and Messenger). Unlike Google Ads, Facebook Ads work primarily through demographic, behavioral, and interest-based targeting. Users on Facebook aren’t actively searching for solutions, but rather engaging with content. Facebook Ads help companies build brand awareness, promote content, and capture leads through highly targeted ads.

1. Audience Targeting Capabilities

Google Ads

Google’s strength lies in search intent. When a user enters a search query, it’s a clear indication of what they’re looking for. B2B companies can capitalize on this intent by targeting specific keywords that indicate a prospect’s interest in their product or service. With Search Ads, you can target potential customers who are actively seeking solutions, which often leads to high-quality, conversion-ready leads. The Google Ads manager also provides audience targeting features such as custom intent audiences, in-market segments, and remarketing, helping you re-engage users who have shown interest in your brand.

Facebook Ads

Facebook, by contrast, excels at targeting users based on their interests, behaviors, demographics, and even life events. This makes Facebook Ads a great platform for top-of-funnel activities, where you want to build brand awareness and capture users’ attention early in the buyer’s journey. The Facebook ads manager also provides sophisticated retargeting options, allowing B2B marketers to re-engage with people who have previously visited their website or engaged with their content.

Which is better for B2B?

If your B2B business wants to reach a highly specific audience based on job titles, industries, or professional interests, Facebook’s detailed targeting options can be incredibly effective. However, if your focus is on capturing leads who are actively searching for solutions, Google’s keyword-based targeting through Search Ads is likely to yield better results.

2. Intent vs Disruption:How Ads Are Shown

Google Ads

Google Ads are shown based on search intent. This means your ad will appear when someone actively searches for a product or service related to what you’re offering. The advantage here is that search ads tend to capture leads further along in the buyer’s journey, often when they’re ready to make a purchase decision. Google Ads also includes Display Ads and YouTube Ads, which can be used to build brand awareness, but search remains its strong suit for B2B companies.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads, on the other hand, are shown in users’ newsfeeds or stories based on their behaviors and interests. Facebook’s ad placement is designed to disrupt the user’s experience with relevant content that they may not have been searching for but could find interesting. For B2B companies, this means Facebook is ideal for nurturing leads over time, building brand awareness, and keeping your company top of mind as prospects move through the buying process.

Which is better for B2B?

For driving demand from leads who are already interested and ready to convert, Google Ads is generally the better option. If your goal is to create awareness, engage prospects, and guide them through a longer sales cycle, Facebook Ads offer an excellent way to introduce your brand and nurture leads.

3. Ad Formats and Creative Flexibility

Google Ads

Google offers a variety of ad formats, from text-based Search Ads to image-based Display Ads and video ads on YouTube. For B2B companies, Google’s text-based ads are often the most effective because they deliver concise, relevant information at the right moment. While Google’s ad formats offer precision, they are generally less creative than Facebook’s, with limited opportunities for rich media or visual storytelling.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads shine when it comes to creativity. The platform offers a wide range of formats, including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and lead generation ads. B2B companies can leverage these formats to tell a compelling visual story, highlight case studies, and build connections with their audience. Additionally, Facebook Ads allow for more flexibility in how your brand is presented, making it a great platform for engaging content marketing.

Which is better for B2B?

If you’re a B2B business that relies heavily on visual storytelling, brand differentiation, or content marketing, Facebook’s diverse ad formats are likely a better fit. If you prefer direct, conversion-focused ads, Google’s format may be more aligned with your goals.

4. Cost Per Click and Budget Flexibility

Google Ads 

Because Google Ads are based on a bidding system for highly competitive keywords, the cost per click (CPC) can be relatively high, especially for B2B companies targeting niche industries. However, the return on investment (ROI) can also be strong because you’re reaching users with high intent. B2B companies in industries with expensive keywords may need larger budgets to see significant returns.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads tend to have lower CPCs than Google Ads, largely because the platform is built around interest-based targeting rather than bidding on competitive keywords. This means B2B companies can often achieve a lower cost per lead, especially if their goal is to build awareness and capture top-of-funnel leads. However, the quality of leads may vary depending on how well your audience targeting is set up.

Which is better for B2B?

If you have a larger budget and are willing to invest in high-quality leads that are more likely to convert, Google Ads may provide a better return. If your goal is to stretch your budget further and capture leads at an earlier stage, Facebook Ads offer more flexibility.

5. Analytics and Reporting

Google Ads

Google offers powerful, detailed reporting tools, allowing B2B companies to track conversion rates, click-through rates (CTR), cost per conversion, and more. Google Ads integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics, giving marketers a comprehensive view of their entire customer journey, from search to conversion.

Facebook Ads

Facebook also provides robust analytics and reporting tools. You can track engagement, clicks, conversions, and the performance of different ad formats. However, Facebook’s attribution model can be less direct than Google’s, as users may not click an ad immediately but later convert after multiple touchpoints.

Which is better for B2B?

Google Ads is better suited for B2B companies that want to track performance across the entire sales funnel. Facebook Ads provides solid data for top-of-funnel activities but may require additional tools to track leads through to conversion.

Where Should B2Bs Invest?

So, where should B2B companies invest—Google Ads or Facebook Ads? The answer depends on your business goals and target audience. If you’re looking to capture high-quality leads who are actively searching for solutions, Google Ads is the best option. However, if your goal is to build brand awareness, nurture leads, and engage with prospects earlier in the buying process, Facebook Ads can offer a powerful platform for long-term growth.

For many B2B companies, a combination of both platforms may provide the best results, allowing you to capture leads at multiple stages of the buyer’s journey.

Ready to Take Your Digital Advertising to the Next Level?

If you're unsure whether Google Ads or Facebook Ads is the best fit for your B2B business, let’s chat! As a Google Ads agency and a Facebook Ads agency, we specialize in helping businesses like yours create high-converting ad strategies that drive real results.

Book a meeting to discover how we can tailor a winning digital ad strategy for your business. Let’s unlock your full growth potential!