8 Ways You Can Use LinkedIn to Prospect More Clients

You can make the most out of your profile with a commitment of only 20 minutes per day. It's important to remember that all social media outreach requires consistency. Slow and steady will win this race every time. Keep in mind the following top 8 ways to use LinkedIn to prospect more clients.


1. Prepare a Digital Version of Your 30-Second Commercial and Include that Text in Your Profile


Different channels of social media serve different purposes. The primary purpose of this social platform is professional networking. In order to get the most out of this channel. Think of this social platform as a non-stop networking event. At all times you must be ready to have a response to this question: “What do you do?” The easiest way to answer is with a short video. You should reduce the script of the video to text and include that on your profile. Your video should answer the “What do you do,” as told from the point of view of a prospect at a pain point who converted into being your happy customer and who is now a promoter of your company. For example:

“Inbox Communications is an inbound marketing agency that specializes in custom digital marketing campaigns designed to attract new contacts through leveraging social media channels, nurturing these contacts into leads, and then closing them through a ecommerce channels. We’ve been particularly successful with companies in the high tech and training industries that are concerned about the ROI in their social media outreach efforts. We’ve been able to create hand-in-glove digital marketing campaigns that help our customers save time, gain attention, and make money.”

If something like this isn’t on your profile, you’re missing a big opportunity to attract new prospects.


2. Continually Add Connections to Your Network

The easiest thing you can do is to invest a few minutes everyday clicking the “connect” button on the “People You May Know” list that is posted in your feed. To use LinkedIn more effectively, remember the platform has already done all of the hard work. Remember, everyone you meet is a potential connection.


3. Look for Ways to Build out Your Lead List

This platform is a great way to increase new leads. Take a look at the connections of your contacts to see if you might like to request an introduction. Make a note of those to whom you would like an introduction. Start first with the “Recommendations” as these are the strongest relationship of the contact you are currently viewing. Also, feel free to ask for further recommendations outside of this account by phone or email.


4. Follow Your Current Clients and Prospects

Always, always, always follow your current clients and prospects. Spend some time each day looking them up. Keep an eye on what they are up to and what, if any, recnt accomplishments they acheived. Find out whether they have a company page; if they do, follow it and monitor that page as well.


5. Post an Update

Add an “Update” to your network. Use the daily update to share a link to some content that is relevant to your prospects and customers. Use the “LinkedIn Today” feature on your dashboard. Each time you post an update, you will be displayed on the feed of all your connections. Your updates should add value and share expertise to the people in your network. Don’t use updates to pitch your biz.


6. Join Groups

LinkedIn lets you connect with people who are in groups with you. Use these groups as a targeted method to add value to others, share insights and expertise, and build out your network with potential prospects. Also use these groups to help you become a thought leader in your industry. Becoming known as a thought leader on a specific issue or skill is the best way to attract new prospects.


7. Recognize the Accomplishments of Your Contacts

If you happen to notice an article or post that contains good news about your client, prospect, or any contact, share the news as a status update. Recognize the person with an “@” reply. That will ensure they receive notification of your mention. The recognition that you give others will be remembered favorably.


8. Write a Recommendation

It can be difficult to secure recommendations. Devote some time to posting recommendations for your customers and key contacts. Once your contact approves the text, the recommendation will show up in their account. This will align you with your contact, serve as a promotional piece for your group, show the network that you are collaborative, and make it much more likely that your contact will think of you when it comes time for them to make a referral or a recommendation.


There are many different ways to use LinkedIn to propect more clients. Use the tools available through the platform and remember the good will you give out to others has a way of finding its way back to you.


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Topics: Social Media, Lead Generation, LinkedIn

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