In the movie To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch tries to impress upon his daughter, Scout, the importance of empathy when he says, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view." It's very good advice, especially when it comes to keywords business research. These words should also resonate with marketers. You can't be an effective messenger for your business if you don't put effort into thinking about solutions from your customers' point of view. Thinking about your customers challenges from your customers point of view is essential to developing a good keyword strategy. After all, keywords drive targeted traffic to your website at no cost to you.
Keyword selection is the foundational to the success of your website. In its most basic form, keywords are the words and phrases of significance to your industry that Internet users type into the search box of a search engine, such as Google, to find websites that match what they are looking for. Some keywords get hundreds of thousands of unique searches per day, while others may only get a few hundred.
While it is important to use the keywords that are most commonly used, it is important to remember that for those words the competition is fierce. Highly trafficked keywords are very competitive, because there are many businesses vying to get the same customers. The key to a successful keyword strategy is twofold:
Your little diner might truly make the best hamburgers in New York City, but you are unlikely to rank for the word "hamburger"—it is a great keyword, but has huge competition.
Keywords can be used throughout your website pages. Some keyword search term examples are:
You can now see why keywords are important. They help bring the right visitors to your website. And that's why proper keyword research is so essential to attracting traffic needed to meet your business goals.
When picking keywords there are many best practices. Uncover the language that your buyer personas (customers) use. A good keyword strategy always starts with your intended visitor. Search engines like Google are constantly trying to ensure that sites that are relevant and helpful are at the top of their search results. Don't guess at what your visitors are searching for. Ask them. Think about their perspectives, their motives, their backgrounds and goals.
Here are some questions to ask when doing keyword research:
The answers to these questions will help you describe your business, and also understand what your buyer personas are searching for online. You can also use keyword research tools like the ones we outlined here.
You need to determine if you can rank for these keywords. Now that we know the keywords that our ideal buyers are searching for, how do we know that we can rank for them? Not all keywords are easy to rank for.
Let's look at an example, like "real estate." A lot of people would like to rank for "real estate," but the competition for that keyword is really high. The reason for this is the keyword might be too broad. Get more specific. Think: "Condo Real Estate For Sale Downtown Toronto." These keywords are more descriptive and specific to your business. These more descriptive keywords are called long-tail keywords.
Keywords are just one part of your marketing mix. Is your marketing strategy up to date? Contact us for a free marketing assessment. It takes half an hour and can be the key to making that next step towards success.