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Master Marketer Series: Your Op-Ed Checklist

Written by Fateema Sayani | Oct 9, 2014 4:00:00 AM

Op-Eds: The Original Thought Leadership Platform


Hey Digital Native! They're Not Your Grandma's Blog


Op-eds are the opinion pieces that run opposite the editorial pages, hence the name. (Some also call them opinion-editorial, also hence the name). They provide colour and context on issues in the news and they are open real estate to CEOs, CTOs, community organizers or anyone else with an opinion that can write with flair and personality.


Editorials that run in newspapers (newspapers, like on actual paper) are still major clout builders, despite the dead-trees medium of yonder. They are what create the conversations on social media and around dinner tables, board rooms and bar stools.



If you want to build credibilty and get your issues on the agenda, become good at writing op-eds. The worst ones sound written by a committee, the best ones have a point to make, have great narrative flow and have that intangible quality: whether it be heart, zest or 'tude. 


Here are some other pointers on writing op-eds, with thanks to the talented Kathleen O'Grady from, a Canadian non-partisan health policy resource. In her guide to writing snappy op-eds, she offers these pointers:


  • Make them snappy, provocative, sharp and precise
  • Make it no more than 800 words; simple and compelling
  • Keep it topical and timely in terms of subject matter
  • Focus on a single argument and its relevant points
  • Express a point of view—it's an opinion piece, after all
  • Make that point early on, in the first few paragraphs
  • Draw on evidence, but also personal experience
  • Stay away from jargon and too many stats
  • Citations are an absolute no-no; you can give attribution in the sentence if you are crediting an idea. Eg: "It's time for a new health policy, Franny Jones writes in her book." or "According to my cat, it's very popular to be in Internet videos."
  • Leave the reader with a solution, steps toward a solution or next steps


Sharpen your pencil and sharpen your silver tongue and get ahead of the agenda with a smart op-ed.


Check Inbox's blog regularly for more tips and tricks from our Master Marketer's Series.