Blog 2022

Language for Buyers Personas

Written by Inbox | Jul 21, 2015 4:00:00 AM

What's in a word?


When communicating with your target audience - your buyer personas - it's important to use the language that they're comfortable with. That means you have to know certain things about them:

  • Are your buyer personas so entrenched in your industry that they understand buzzwords or jargon?
  • Take, for example, the real estate market. third times of bike shops out there in the world and summer for the more generic consumer was just looking for regular bikes however there also some more advanced bike shops that work specifically with maybe racing bikes or not by explaining sport bikes after the more advanced like industry that they would have websites baby night which like just mount bike or sport by Savannah very specific Irish so that is entrenched in the industry jargon and understand something in a use the something more specific wipes for a BMX bikes I Canfield Formula One Jedi you cannot take the language will not only attracted to the site but keep them there once they get their splendor survivors on as we can create marketing content offers that interest them meeting we gets to the next sections of our inbound certification Upgrading lip The actions and offers a given context and Morgat should speak your buyer persona to guide them also to that specific top on your website you know your industry better than anyone you know you're trying to on your website better than anyone what is that streamline pop that you like to guide them through and also Barb is on his help with the entire cross company alignment course to help us as marketers to get the right people to wear cited to build that great website experience but understanding virus autosales closer to hiring our support team were help managers to better delight those cost so there are two sides of different benefits of buyer personas Bilby talked about throughout the inbound certification series simply because they make you a better marketer ultimately understanding your buyer persona from the very beginning starting today doing that research to see if you and your company tons of time money and resources in the long run Marty talk to optimize your website for our website visitors else I cannot imagine your website for the search engines number already aware that this is something that we cannot ignore me know that everything is going all my and inbound that search engines are important part of this equation because they are the bridge that brings those prospective visitors to your website are times of people out there utilizing Google bag and other search engines to find answers to solve their problems this is opening you and your business up to a world of opportunity and interesting thing about research is that these people are not just searching YouTube videos babies or television and sports clips for answers to their business problems thinking about Google and the search engines as a switchboard somebody type some type of question or query into that search bar and Google uses their algorithm to find the best result for you is such a fantastic job it does that 75% of users are never even scrolling process first page of results of this means that Google doing such a great job and all the people using your search engine are satisfied with the results of their serving the course this page however not the win I'm not first and foremost satisfying our website visitors and here's the good news making content that is easy to read and understand for your website visitors or your buyer personas will also optimize it for the search engines so to come and bring this full circle we don't just optimize our website for search engine optimize our website first and foremost for our budget visitors and buyer personas and then search engines and when you do these together will open up that world of business opportunity.