The inbound methodology is the best way to turn strangers into audiences and promoters. For the past decade, inbound marketing has been the most effective online marketing method. Instead of old outbound marketing methods, such as buying ads, inbound marketing methods align the content you publish with your audiences’s interests. You naturally attract inbound traffic that you can then convert.
The graphic below features four actions: Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight. Organizations doing inbound marketing must take these actions in order to obtain visitors, leads, customers and promoters.
The inbound methodology is all about providing remarkable content to your users. Just because someone has already attended your event doesn’t mean you can forget about them. Inbound marketing continues to engage with, delight, and (hopefully) upsell your current supporter base into happy promoters of your organization. Tools used to delight customers include:
Using various social platforms give you the opportunity to provide real-time customer service to your audiences. Be sure to give your customers shout-outs when you see them being successful.
Providing your existing customers with remarkable content can help them achieve their goals, as well as introduce new services that might be of interest to them.