Blog 2022

Unique Selling Propositions

Written by Inbox | Sep 10, 2013 4:00:00 AM

Developing your USP is one of the most important ways that you can compete in any market. Your USP or Unique Selling Proposition is the unique benefit that you provide, and is the basis for any good brand. It must align with your core positioning - the space you occupy in the minds of your consumers.

Here are a few ways you can develop your USP:

  • Storytelling: Explain how your organization's culture evolved through telling its story, from how it began to obstacles it overcame.
  • Service: "A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large." - Henry Ford
  • Personality: Fearlessly express who you are.
  • Play in a Different Sandbox: Create different criteria for how awesome you are.
  • Beliefs: Share what you believe in.

Here's how a USP works with your brand:

Brand Promise

Your brand promise should be part of your USP. It's the belief that you want the market to have about you. It should differentiate you from your competitors, and be based on your natural strengths. You must consistently say it.

Brand Experience

This is where alignment must happen. Your execution and people's experience of you needs to come together, so that you always deliver on the promises your brand made. Think organization, operations and systems.

Brand Communications

You brand communications are all the various ways that you express your USP and brand to the market. From your visual identity to pay-per-click campaigns to email marketing to blog posts, and everything in between.


Need help with your USP? Contact Inbox now!


Content by Suki Lee, Inbox's Founder / President / CEO.