Blog 2022

A Quick Way To Remember The Inbound Methodology [Rock Star Inbound Poster]

Written by Inbox | Nov 20, 2014 5:00:00 AM

The band AC/DC has a new album out December 2, 2014 and amidst various news about its band members, there has been discussion about how the album, called Rock or Bust, is a "reverent tribute to rock & roll itself," according to Rolling Stone.




Seeing the words AC/DC in our news feeds provides us HubSpot nerds with inspiration for a mnemonic. This is helpful for remembering the inbound methodology. As a Certified HubSpot Partner, we use this method to turn those who were once strangers into promoters for your cause or brand through the 4 stages of inbound marketing:


  1. Attract (A)
  2. Convert (C)
  3. Close (C)
  4. Delight (D)


So, remember to AC/CD and rock on!




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